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A trillionaire's business philosophy.


First and foremost, invest money to win people and establish financial longevity.

How? Bonuses, rewards, gifts, and incentives...patronize those who patronize you.

Why? To create demand, it establishes trust and a feeling of customer care. It also establishes financial longevity by keeping the economy strong, and a positive flow of cash, like fish in a river. A satisfied customer is the best advertisement. This is how you create product demand.

Exxon invested money to win people and establish financial longevity when they had a big oil spill in 1980's, they paid millions of dollars to clean up and restore the habitat. Now, in 2007, they are ranked #1 Fortune 500 company.
Prepare to market the world and expand capital base.
How? Marketing research, business plans, and product development.
Why? To supply demand, you create demand for the products you use to prepare, which demonstrates the need for innovation in the industry. To avoid financial bankruptcy in a local recession. This is how you create product supply.
Delta prepared to market the world and expand capital base, when they filed bankruptcy in 2005, and regrouped, to better serve a post 9/11 era. Now, in 2007, they are ranked #185 Fortune 500 company.
Learn how to be a winner, build winning relationships, and secure investors.
How? Network with people of like minds and products, see what works for them and doesn't work, explore your philosophy.
Why? To improve your products, it demonstrates your belief in your product and ambition to succeed in the industry which in turn creates windows of opportunities. It is not what you know, or who you know, it is who wants to know you. This is how you create product market.
McDonald's learned how to be a winner, build winning relationships, and secure investors, after public criticism about them promoting unhealthy lifestyles. They later added more healthy choices to their menu, and maintained global dominance in the fast food industry.
Use time to make money and gain knowledge of value.
How? Practice your pitch and perfect your business.
Why? To better your skills, so you can learn your strengths and weaknesses. When you gain knowledge of value, every breath you take is a service to someone, if you find the person, it is a blank check.
Google used time to make money and gain knowledge of value, while building one of the world's largest search engines in opposition to Microsoft.
Manage anger and stress with healthy living and good nutrition.
How? Rest, relaxation, and exercise.
Why? To avoid self-doubt, the body is organic, and is fueled by an organic diet. It is the primary tool of your trade, it walks, talks, and plans for your success. When you have confidence it betters your vision. This is how you create product longevity.
Bill Gates managed anger and stress with healthy living and good nutrition, to win Time Man of the Year for his work to end poverty.
Faith is necessary for perseverance- this is your cash flow.
How? Ambition, determination, and vision are abstract realities, like faith in GOD and your dreams.
Why? To build confidence, you want to be a reflection of what you say you can do for others, regarding the willpower to sacrifice for what you believe. A vision is only faith until it becomes reality, therefore, we must collaborate with faith based people to support and strengthen your vision. This how you create product clientele.
Jesse H. Jackson Sr. kept faith and persevered through debt, to collaborate in a cure for poverty, and now he is debt free and financial free.
Conserve water- this is your energy.
How? Drink plenty of water to allow the body to replenish itself, and store necessary supplies.
Why? To preserve willpower, the essence of willpower is on a cellular level, which is maintained and fueled by majority water, to keep control of a continous discipline. The body is made of two thirds water, dehydration can cause a lack of focus, concentration, and memory.
Al Gore created a documentary on Global Warming and the importance to conserve water. He won the Academy Award in 2006.
Master your emotions- this is your joy.
How? Strive to understand the cause and effects of your feelings. When you make the effort, you get the results, the power of self-restraint, and true expression. Find your inner-peace that which brings you joy and personal security, so you are not afraid to realize the truth of your position and potential to grow.
Why? To grow, therefore you will be clear to know your destiny, and bring balance to your aspirations and realize your success to flawlessly execute your divine plan. Be like water, formless, indestructible, the essence of life, and you will master your emotions. This is how you create product growth.
President Bush mastered his emotions during the global war on terror to win a second term in office.
Achieve Financial and Personal Goals- this is your success.
How? Just do it. Make the effort to complete your mission in business and your personal lives.

Why? To be complete, completion is power and self-esteem. Fuel for the soul. Wealth without power is imbalance, imbalance leads to self-destruction. This is how you create product investments.
Oprah Winfrey achieved financial and personal goals by building a leadership academy for girls in Africa. Today, she is the wealthiest and most celebrated celebrities.
The key to success is simple, observe how fragile the mind is a you will see emotions can cause damage, be mindful to recoup loss mass daily with healthy living and good nutrition.
How? Study the physiological make-up of the brain and body systems. Learn how hormones regulate, stimulate, and control the growth of you.
Why? To actualize, as previously stated, the body is the primary tool of your trade and is fueled by natural technology, raw energy. The nutrients that grow from the earth and nature are made up of the same disposition as your body. They form one cipher that becomes the unseen nuclear power of ambition and success, in life. This is how you create product celebration.
All Prophets believed an organized life, is an organized world.
Natural Medicine is the giving to the body what it needs to heal itself the soul. Self-Perfection will bring the genius out of intellect at the root of the Human Essence.
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